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Welcome to the Zonta e-club Switzerland 1 website.

Zonta e-club was born as a proposal for Spanish-speaking professional women and men living in Switzerland. We are united by our interest in the pursuit of gender equality, the reduction of violence and the empowerment of girls and women.

As members of Zonta International we are committed to support women and girls in their professional growth, personal development and preventing them from becoming victims of gender-based violence.

Under Zonta’s tagline “Advancing the status of women worldwide” (ahora es “Build a Better World for Women and Girls”) we will work together to collaborate in building a more equitable and violence-free world.

Zonta International Mission

Zonta International is a leading global organization made up of professionals that empowers women through service and advocacy.

Zonta International Vision

Zonta International envisions a world where women's rights are recognized as human rights. Where every woman can reach her fullest potential. A world where women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men. A world where women live without fear of violence.

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